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Learn moreMind flex: When life hands you lemons
When it rains, it pours—and if lately, you’ve been caught in a flood-induced deluge, it’s time to find that light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t succumb to crying in the rain after life throws you a proverbial curveball! Put on a catcher’s mitt and keep these affirmations in mind:
This too shall pass
One of the things you learn over time is that no tough situation lasts forever. Depending on the circumstances, you may even look back on what happened with fondness or appreciation. The next time something unexpected occurs, try to find the lesson or humor in it when applicable. The incident could make for an amusing anecdote in the future.
Stop and smell the roses
Nothing brings you out of the doldrums like appreciating the good in life. Indulge in your favorite dessert. Binge-watch a new comedy show. Call a positive-minded friend or family member. Better yet, get together with the one person you know will let you complain or vent to your heart’s content. These are the beautiful and sweet-smelling roses that help you keep your sanity when life is especially sour.
Do what you love
This truism applies to a variety of life events—avoiding depression is among them. It may be a little hard to get moving, but once you are in the thick of doing something you enjoy, your bad mood will shift.
When nothing goes right, go left
Sometimes, a change of scenery or a detour is in order. When all else fails, veer away from whatever is challenging you if you can. Removing yourself from the equation, even if only for a short period of time, may be all you need to restore your equilibrium and turn those sour lemons into refreshing lemonade.
Time heals all wounds
When all else fails, remind yourself that whatever has occurred will soon be in your rearview mirror. What is painful now will only be a scar tomorrow. In the interim, ward off depression by staying busy. Volunteering for a local charity, starting a journal, getting out in nature or having a much-needed friends outing are just a few activities that might do the trick.
Music soothes the savage beast
They say music is the soundtrack of our lives, and they are right! Everyone has a go-to tune that lifts their spirits or puts them in the mood to dance around like no one is watching! When life roars like a savage beast, roar back with a soul-soothing melody. (We do realize there are other versions of this quote, but we are going with the current more popular version.)
Above all, keep moving
With life, there’s no guarantee of unending happiness...and really, who would want that?
Things will go wrong. But when they do, remember to look on the bright side. Remind yourself of the times when your fortunes changed for the better—nothing lasts forever, good or bad. Those rains often bring the most beautiful flowers. If you keep moving, you may find happier days are just around the corner!
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